Interesting story, poorly written
9 July 2005
The underlying story in this film is a fascinating one that deserves serious treatment. Unfortunately, the screen writing does not do justice to the material. For one thing, the character of Veronica Franco does not appear to have many qualms about her choice to become a courtesan throughout the course of the film, where one would expect that in that era, it would be a very difficult and humiliating choice for a woman to make. While the positive aspects of being a courtesan are justly portrayed, the negative aspects are glossed over or neglected. Another serious problem is the lack of a negative response to this choice on the part of close friends as well the man who loves her. There are occasional moments when the social ostracism she would have been treated to in real life at the time are shown, but initially there does not appear to be any negative social consequences to this choice, and indeed even the man who loves her doesn't seem to care what she has become. The film ought to have more seriously and honestly explored his reaction to her choice, as well as her own. It would have made it a far more dramatic, and more relevant film. As it is, the film is far too lighthearted for the serious nature of the subject matter. The screenwriters failed to take full advantage of the depth of the inherent drama to the story, and instead made it almost a comedy.

It does have some redeeming qualities. The film is beautifully shot, the costumes are excellent, and it's nicely paced. It isn't badly directed, but again, I feel that a more serious handling by the director could have made up for the deficiencies in the script.

In summary, this is a light entertainment movie that doesn't do justice to the weight of the underlying subject matter.
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