Review of Hulk

Hulk (2003)
A film that will cure insomnia
10 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I wanted to like this movie but it failed in doing so. The plot was just too boring. There was at least an hour and a half of useless dialogue in this film which should have been cut out but the only problem was if they cut it out you would be left with about a 40 min movie. The movie started off slow and continued slow for at least an hour, then we got about 15-20 min of pretty interesting action and then back to slow useless dialogue again. I have a 16 year old son that loves Comic Book films. My son enjoyed most of them even Daredevil which got mixed reviews. Well my son fell asleep 30 min into this film which pretty much tells you what the attention level of this film is. "It was not interesting at all" my son said. All he could think about during the film was "When is this going to end". The only part I did enjoy was when The Hulk was throwing tanks around and kicking some military butt, which is the only reason i gave this film a 2/10. The ending was horrible, seems like they ran out of story and just made it up at the last minute to rush this piece of junk out to the theaters. Bottom line is, this movie is not entertaining, it does not keep you excited or on the edge of your seat. If you like movies with lots of dialogue then perhaps this film is for you but I believe that Comic Book films are meant to be entertaining, thrilling, and exciting. This film definitely was not.
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