one kid goes through hell and back
15 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'll be honest, this film is severely depressing, so if you're having a bad day you might end up on the brink of suicide after viewing this sordid tale.

Basically, there's this little innocent kid right... and then he gets the sh*t abused out of him after being returned to his crazy birth mother (from foster care). Asia Argento (the director and lead actress) must have had a hard time directing in this and playing a screwball mother at the same time - so credit to her for making it watchable. However, I must point out that there are many disturbing scenes, the worst of which is where the little kid gets ass-raped and needs his ass stitched back together, OK it doesn't show it graphically, but still... sickening. Another bad one is where the boy dresses like a girl to copy his mum and tries to satisfy a grown man (Manson no less).

Only watch this is you want to see how f*cked up life can be, oh and also to see Marilyn Manson without make up.. thats it.
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