Review of Junk

Junk (2000)
A rather typical zombie film from Japan
19 July 2005
I have seen my share of zombie movies and I can honestly say that this is one of them. I bought it so long ago because I had seen another Japanese film called, Versus that had lots of fighting and action and some zombies and I had asked if there were any more films like it in a post and this is one of the films mentioned. Well, this one was a better zombie film than that one, but it was not as fun. The action was not as good and despite a rather short running time, it tends to lag in places. Not that it was all bad, it still has its moments and it does feature one thing that makes it stand out as far as zombie films are concerned and that is a very attractive and cute zombie girl. Other than the cute one though, they are the typical slow moving horde of the living dead terrorizing like one warehouse. Yes that is right, all the action as far as the zombies are concerned takes place in one warehouse and so the scope of the film is rather small as they do not even have that many people to kill and what they do have gets killed quickly and you are just left with these two running around with the guy being particularly annoying.

The story has an experiment done by an American to resurrect the dead. He is successful, but as is typical with a zombie film, the dead comes back a little bite happy. This man is not the originator of the formula though, but rather a Japanese man who has left said project. He is summoned by the U.S. military and then we are introduced to four people performing a jewel heist. They get through it, though one guy gets stabbed and plan on selling their jewels to the Yakuza. Though their bag of jewels does not look particularly large to me. Well they pick a place to meet up and it is in the warehouse where the zombie formula is and as is typical a zombie horde is unleashed. Now the thieves must fight their way out of the warehouse, the guy who created the formula must try to blow up the facility and the cute lead zombie will try to avert the explosion!

As I said, just not as good a film as Versus as it really is just a typical zombie film that has rather slow pacing. The tag line is "Everybody Fights!", but really there is not a lot of cool action going on in this one. Just a lot of running around and screaming and things that make one scratch their head in wonder. Like why did they feel the need to have American speaking actors in this and why in the world did they have the one scientist guy trying to speak in English? Seriously, any scene where he is talking in English is almost impossible to understand. Then he is given a machine gun with a grenade launcher as he plans on going to the warehouse and detonating the bomb...I'm rather sure a scientist would not be given that particular weapon and I am pretty sure he would not be all that capable of handling it. Still, there is some good gore in this one and it is short so while not super great or anything, it is a rather fun watch...just not a film that holds up under repeat viewings I'm afraid.
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