Last Exile (2003)
Nothing new here. Who cares? I loved it.
23 July 2005
The truly interesting thing with Last Exile is how it has stolen from everything imaginable. So much so that it has to be on purpose. Plot points from Robotech, style from everything by Miyazaki san, ideas coming everywhere from Tenchi Muyo to Speed Racer, and characters from all the venerable old classics. (Could Alex be more Captain Harlock? Could Alvis be more Sasami? I defy you to argue this.) I could go on and on and on about the things this stole. Even a fighter scene right out of Return of the Jedi. Unbelievable!

But it does it all so well.

I couldn't have enjoyed this more. Most of the CGI animation is very seamlessly integrated with the Cell animation in a way that they seem to get better at every year. Even if stolen the story is interesting and draws you in. I truly care about each of the characters and most of them are fairly multi- dimensional (at least as far as Anime standards go.)

I highly recommend this. Particularly if you have an extensive Anime background and can look for all the references. On the down side I think there were way too many female characters, which is about standard for this kind of Anime. Also, there are a few CGI scenes that I don't think look good enough for a series of this high quality. Minor complaints.

Don't rent the first DVD if your video rental place doesn't have the complete set. You will be extremely frustrated when you realize that you simply MUST watch the whole series right away!
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