The Hidden (1987)
More Alien Bang Bang for the Buck
5 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This starts out with a bang, literally, and doesn't let up for the entire film. The picture zips along, whether with speedy car chases or interesting suspense, keeping the audience on their toes. We can credit director Sholder for keeping things exciting but I also suspect this was one those scripts that wasn't tampered with much (which is as it should be for most scripts, but isn't in Hollywood). For sheer level of entertainment as a sci-fi thriller, this approaches Terminator (84) - the one to beat. Some of the premise is similar, featuring an unstoppable menace. You're always guaranteed an adrenaline rush with scenes of cops firing their weapons repeatedly at someone who just won't fall down; they may slow him or it down, perhaps stagger it, but in the end they need something more than just bullets.

This pic represents a fortunate confluence of personnel and events. The two lead actors, MacLachlin & Nouri, had just reached their respective peaks in their careers and both were at the top of their game (both careers went into downswing afterward but it can't be blamed on this film). In fact, I'd venture that this film contains both their best roles. Nouri is the strong-willed earth-man cop and MacLachlan takes full advantage of his unusual persona to play an alien visitor (sort of like Jeff Bridges in "Starman"/1984, but Bridges had to try harder). The supporting cast are all great too, with many having to play two versions of themselves. Who can forget Christian as an exotic dancer suddenly gone gun-crazy? There's a lot of inherent humor in such scenes. The best and most memorable must be the one with Boyett acquiring a Ferrari in his own alien style. Just unforgettable.

Unfortunately, there was a forgettable and quite awful sequel several years later. But this remains one of the most unique, vivid alien visitor/invader films of the eighties and nineties.
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