The dynamic duo!
18 August 2005
"Bloodsucking Freaks" may have been quite the shocker back when it was first released, but by today standards it comes across as a pretty funny, low budget classic that gets better and better as your watching it. "Bloodsucking Freaks" serves it's purpose nicely. It also has a VERY generous amount of unshaven bush and 70's boobies in practically every scene. Awesome!! Although the special effects aren't all that special, "Blooduscking Freaks" contains a very nice share of blood, quirky sadistic murders, and fun elements of torture sprinkled throughout. The real charm of "Bloodsucking Freaks" lies within the perfect partnership of Master Sardu and his little henchman Ralphus. The scenes with them together (whether its a game of backgammon or a gleeful torture sequence) play out beautifully and comically. Ralphuses smile alone is sure to melt your heart. Sardu and Ralphus are really the stars of this show, and they seem to be having a great time in the movie. The more I watched them together, the more I couldn't stop laughing.

Brazen, unrelenting, and carefree, "Bloodsucking Freaks" is by definition a "B" movie at it's finest.

Perfect for all you cult classic lovers.....
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