Biting satire in heartfelt love story
24 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Quirky, comic love story starring Joseph Bologna and Renee Taylor as neurotic misfits who meet at a group therapy encounter session and reluctantly fall in love. Over-the-top satire is used to needle the touchy-feely psychotherapy process, as well as the surrealistic dysfunctional families that created the intensely flawed central characters.

Through angry encounters, the two lovers begin vomiting out uncomfortable truths, and then settle into a warm zone of mutual acceptance and intimacy. Near the end, Bologna blurts out that 'I love you, but I don't want to love you. I want to love someone prettier than you and smarter than you. But that person may never come along so I have to settle for you.' The real plot resolution does not come until the film's final frozen frame, when you see the two look at each other with an amused, knowing smile. The real happy ending is when you find out that Bologna and Taylor were married for six years at the time they both wrote and starred in the film, and that as of 2005 they have still been married for 40 years.

Happy anniversary, congratulations, and thanks for a great film.
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