Review of Holiday Inn

Holiday Inn (1942)
Holiday Inn - Truly Classic
12 September 2005
I always feel that a true classic is either a film or a song that within a few feet of film or a few bars of a tune, you know exactly what the song or film is and in most cases the cast or artist who was involved with it.

This film, in my opinion, is no exception. The casting of this film (Bing Crosby as Jim Hardy and Fred Astaire as Ted Hanover) is pure genius. Both stars were really at their professional peaks at the time and they show it in this movie musical.

Both Marjorie Reynolds as Linda Mason and Virginia Dale as Lila Dixon were not as well known, but I feel they both more than proved themselves in holding their own against the talents of Astaire & Crosby.

The supporting cast were fine too. Louise Beavers as well as Walter Abel gave some comedic relief in their roles as Mamie & as Danny Reid.

The firecracker dance sequence with Astaire is well worth the price of admission alone! I also enjoyed the dancing sequence between Astaire & Dale during the "Your Easy to Dance With" number and between Astaire & Reynolds during the "Be Careful Its My Heart" number.

Truly a wonderful film despite the controversy surrounding the "Abraham" black face routine.

When I first saw this film, I never thought about it as being filmed to offend anyone, I just considered it was the only way to explain in the plot why Ted & Danny don't recognize Linda since Jim has been hiding her from them. I have never changed my feelings on this and still feel the same way some 35 years later after my original viewing.
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