The Worst Movie I've Seen In A Long TIme!
12 September 2005
I thought this movie would be funny knowing how funny Steve Catrell was in "Bruce Almighty" and his TV show "The Office" but I was sadly mistaken. No matter how good or funny an Actor is, it always starts with the writing, and the writing for this Movie was terrible! Steve wasn't funny and none of his very unlikable friends were funny. I'm no prude but the crass, vulgar, and just plain asinine sexual "jokes" ( and I use that term loosely) were ceaseless. Maybe if you're a 12 year old boy you might like the dim-witted so not-funny humor, but it was an absolute insult to anyone who has a hint of intelligence. Why people think that you have to be sexually filthy and crude in every sentence to be funny is beyond me. This Movie would be good at a Fraternity Party, or a Bachelor's Party, where everyone is so smashed they don't know the difference. Besides the complete lack of any real humor, the Actors and Actresses (ha ha) were very poor. I know Steve Catrell has talent, but it was definitely not reflected in this Movie.
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