Review of Fall

Fall (1997)
treading water in a sea of retarded sexuality and bad poetry...
15 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Why did i waste my time on this pseudo-intellectual junk?

A once famous 'writer' who shuns the trappings of fame to drive a taxi and finds the time to seduce a 'model'...and attractive as she is, she's still 15 bucks too heavy to be a working model. We know he's 'sensitive' because we only see his female friends. A cabbie in NYC with no male friends? Still with me? And we KNOW this is an arty movie because of the title fonts and cards and the digital camera work that passes as 'verite' these days.

The mastermind behind this vanity piece, Eric Schaefer directs himself and his first initial 'seduction' of the model, staged like some "9 and 1/2 Weeks" out-take, is a hostile Jewish male fantasy of getting rough with a Teutonic woman and her LOVING him for it! Geez! Another word on this Eric Schaefer character: he looks like Elon Gold, prattles on like James Woods on nose candy, and the film's 'poetry' is akin to something a junior college English major would write.

So-called 'important' and 'adult' romances like this are the death knell for independent cinema. First Miramax, then Dogma 95, then this? I'll take a cheesy LIFETIME or HALLMARK movie over excrement like this any day of the week.
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