Review of Starved

Starved (2005)
16 September 2005
I have to say that Starved both makes me cry and laugh...each episode I have identified with in some way. I think it is an excellent, smart, and provocative show. The gentleman who created it is "out" about his own struggles and I admire that. He is brilliant! I would be very sad if the show did not return. people need to lighten up and really watch it...its not making fun of is reality for millions, and at the very least, these people are trying to change,admitting their problems, and honestly portraying characters that many of us know.or can identify with in some way. What it is saying is that we are a society obsssessed with our weight, and that people of all types, weights, etc. are making themselves sick trying to be something we are brainwashed to believe we are supposed to be. It is a brilliant show that clearly is a commentary on how insane this society is about looks and weight. And yes...most of the carachters are not fat, but you don't have to be fat to be obsessed about your weight!!! I LOVE IT!!!...Is there an official place that we can write to to let the producers and FX know about how committed we are to continuing this show?
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