Touch of Pink (2004)
3 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
There has always been the shock of the bride/bridegroom, movie genre. In this country, "Guess who's coming to dinner?" stands out. But this plot is well nuanced in the discovery that not all is as it appears and why should the "successful" son of one sister get all the accolades when he's a hypocrite and the other sister's son is the real thing, but "comes out?" In highly ordered societies and ones that defend their customs at all costs, the idea of having a gay son is an anathema. America is still trying to get over the stigma and those of the religious right wing have not nor will they anytime soon. Some people may be surprised that Muslims can be gay. Some were surprised that a pope could be Polish. The thread of human nature runs through all of doesn't stop with WASPs. One aspect of the movie which was very pleasing was its confronting the viewer with how strongly movies can influence us. The protagonist's mother moved to London to become the Indian Doris Day. Her son has envisioned an angel in the form of Cary Grant to help himself through the rigors of being gay. It's apropos. The acting was good and the plot, although threadbare, did have a few twists that pleased. But probably the most exceptional performance was given by MacLachlin who caught the exact intonation, inflection and cadence of Cary Grant"s voice. It was remarkable.
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