In & Out (1997)
"Y'know, I've been thinking a lot about this night, and I've decided to dedicate this whole night to a great, gay teacher. Mr. Brackett, WE WON!" - Cameron
19 November 2005
'In & Out' is a awkward film in that it is hilarious it's first-half and not so funny and kind of drags it's second half. It sends a positive message that it shouldn't matter what your sexual orientation is, but it just seems to wrap itself up kind of sloppy. That's my qualm with the writing of the film, but the acting was what really impressed me. Kevin Kline gives a hilarious performance as Howard Brackett, the prissy outed English teacher whose life is turned upside down when a former student turned famous Hollywood actor, Cameron (Matt Dillon - Rumble Fish) makes mention of him being gay during his Oscar speech. There is only one problem - HOWARD ISN'T GAY! Howard now is known in his small town as the gay English teacher and it seems he can't convince anybody he is actually straight. To make matters worse he is getting married to his current fiancé in a week who isn't completely convinced he is straight. The first half is wet-your-pants hysterical while the second half will kind of zone you out. Joan Cusack (in an Oscar nominated role) is funnier then hell as Howard's fiancé on the verge of a mental breakdown, and the film has a lot of small parts played by Bob Newhart, Howard Brimley, Debbie Reynolds and Tom Selleck as a gay news reporter who tries to convince Howard (Kline) he is actually gay and should come out. If nothing else is on television and you come across this I recommend watching it solely based on the great acting performances and the strong first half. Grade: B-
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