Not for all tastes, but recommended for those who like dark comedy
30 November 2005
I wasn't surprised when the movie did poorly at the box office. Not because it's a bad movie, but because it's a very dark comedy. And let's face it, dark comedies don't usually make good business. We are living in a politically correct day and age, when it's not OK to laugh at movies like these. But I happen to have a dark sense of humor and enjoyed the film quite a bit. It's definitely a departure for Harold Ramis, who usually directs much lighter comedies (i.e.: "Caddyshack," "Groundhog Day"). Even though the "Analyze This" films were about the mafia, I wouldn't go as far as calling them "dark comedies." "The Ice Harvest" is at times a bit too low-key, but those who don't have the attention span of a three-year-old shouldn't mind. This is definitely not a comedy with plenty of huge, broad sight gags, and I liked it that way. The jokes were more subtle. Ramis also did a fine job at assembling his cast. John Cusack carries the film, and probably gives one of his best performances. Unfortunately, Billy Bob Thornton has a pretty small role, but he makes good use of his screen time. And since Cusack and Thornton starred in "Pushing Tin" together, their chemistry is good. Oliver Platt steals the show as his drunken character, bringing out probably the biggest laughs. I hate how acting teachers believe that for people to act drunk, they have to be very subtle. Take it from a guy who's been drunk quite a few times--Platt's performance is shockingly accurate. Part of what made me laugh so hard was that some of his behavior would remind me of me when I'm drunk, or how I see some of my friends act when they're drunk. So as a message to all you acting teachers reading this: Either you're a pompous a** or you just hang out with some really boring friends. Yes, people really do stumble around and slur their words when they're drunk. Almost the whole movie takes place in a strip club, so if you're a heterosexual guy like me, you'll have some good eye candy throughout. So if the combination of good acting, naked strippers and dark humor appeals to you--"The Ice Harvest" is the film to see.
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