Cinderella (1957 TV Movie)
Ah! The Early Day's of Live T.V. Programs
12 December 2005
I was around when there was no televisions in the homes and you had to go to the movie theaters to see movement on a screen, in fact, a very large screen we thought until Cinerama came into our lives. Everything was live. There was no filming for perfection and the first person to come up with the idea of filming live programs was Desi Arnaz when they started "I Love Lucy" on television, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Think of it! Every week, Sid Ceasar and Imogene Coca and others were rehearsing for a one and a half hour variety program called "Your Show of Shows" and even during the live T.V. Show, they made such mistakes that made the show funnier than if it was filmed. "Your Hit Parade" was live ever week. Snooky Lansen once had the hit song of the week and had a problem remembering lyrics and one time wrote them on the floor of the studio in chalk and when it come time to sing the song, someone had erased the lyrics! Ah, the days of live television! Then came along Rogers and Hammerstiens "Cinderella" in which they starred their new found personality Julie Andrews who was wowing Broadway in "My Fair Lady". So, they got the right cast together and put of a live musical version of Cinderella with wonderful music and Edie Adams camping it up as the Fairy Godmother when Cindereall, Julie Andrews, claims to Adams, "Oh! Fairy Godmother; what a beautiful dress!" and Adams with disdain in her voice says, "Oh! This old thing! It's 550 years old!" For years, it was rumored that they could never show the old Kinsoscope copy of Cinderella is because it was either destroyed of lost. After seeing all the talent in the show, it would have paid a lot of royalties out, but no more since most of them have passed away, so why not release it on D.V.D.? One thing about years later is that both Julie Andrews and Leslie Ann Warren played Cinderella on T.V. and they both starred together in "Victor Victoria" with Andrews playing a woman playing a man playing a woman and Warren playing a Chicogo Mobsters Whore! YOu must admit they both went from Saints to Sinners through the years.

Thank God for the restoration of this wonderful show, and, of course, the original record album, always available, and now on C.D. can still be heard in it's original recording by Columbia! Wonderful show! Let the young'ins see what the fun of live T.V. was like in the golden age of television!
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