Hotel Rwanda (2004)
Extraordinary film based correctly on real deeds about the brutal genocide
21 December 2005
1994 Rwanda,Kigali. Paul Rusesabagina (Don Cheadle) is a Hutu happily married (Sophie Okonedo) and with children .He's a Hotel manager -Millie Collines proprietary of Belgian Airlines : Sabena- and its General Director(Jean Reno) placed in Belgium. Paul is respected for his generosity , charm , friendship and numerous contacts with important people. He's accidentally trapped in violent events when his family and neighbours are threatened to be killed . He gets avoid it by means of bribes with the hope that United Nations (UN) and international forces arrive to preventing the civil war. However the happenings break out again . After assassination President of Rwanda, all get worse. It begins the horrible genocide including rampage , massacres and ravage in Rwanda which is spread along Burundi. Slaughter of Tusis by the Hutu is executed by soldiers and rebels. A journalist (Joaquin Phoenix) get into tumult and will shoot the events to show it all around the world. Paul gets to protect his family and unfortunate refugees at the hotel but others hapless people by the hundred are coming to ask for help. Meanwhile, the refugees Tutsis flee toward Congo to find shelter .The film has an acid critic to the indolence of United Nations (exception for Colonel incarnated by Nick Nolte) and international community and specially , the abandon of the European foreign policy .

An interesting and thought-provoking film depicting terrible happenings and based on historical facts . Thus, a character tells that origin conflict is due to Belgians whom in colonization time differentiated the Tutsi as highest and more white complexion and co-governed united the country, now the Hutu are taking the vengeance. It's calculated in the indiscriminate massacre were cruelly killed by militia Interhamwe approximately one million people and in only three month. The bloody conflict finished in 1994 when the Tutsi throw out the Hutu army and militia through the frontier Congo. Leader of Interhamwe was condemned to maxim penalty. Don Cheadle's interpretation is magnificent , he was nominated to Academy Award , although wrongly didn't obtain it . The motion picture well directed by Terry George. Rating : Awesome and above average . Indispensable and essential watching.
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