Christmas Rush (2002 TV Movie)
Nothing wrong with this TV Action film
4 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am beginning to really despise reviewers who don't know exactly what to expect from certain movies. It's like going to see Star Wars and saying "I hated all the space scenes." You have to know a little about what you're about to see. Christmas Rush aka Breakaway gives you exactly what one would expect but even goes beyond the modest expectations and delivers a fairly decent, low budget TV action film. Let's look at the clues...Dean Cain (good actor, done a lot of movies but mostly low budget, TV films that don't review well), Eric Roberts...hey the guy has been around for ages and done scores of films and the majority of them are really low budget crap and he shows up in almost anything. Clue's a TV that doesn't make it bad by any means but you always have to ask yourself why it wasn't good enough to make it to theaters. I knew exactly what I was going in for when I rented this film and I was pleasantly surprised. YES WE GET IT...IT'S SIMILAR TO DIE HARD..LET IT GO!! Besides the fact that what's wrong with being like Die Hard?? One of the greatest action films to date and I think it's a great movie to strive to be like. It's not exactly the same and has many different ideas and features so it's not a rip off by means.

Dean Cain does a good job as the hero of the film. He plays the highly moral, but tough cop Cornelius Morgan who lands himself into trouble when he takes down a bad guy and a bullet grazes a citizen who then sues the city and gets Morgan suspended. Morgan is going to pick up his wife from the local mall when he stumbles upon a major heist headed up by big time crook Jimmy Scalzetti played by Eric Roberts. Roberts does play a great bad guy and him and Cain have a good rivalry and good chemistry opposite each other. Erika Eleniak does an okay job as Cain's wife. Her role is just mostly to be there...eye candy there isn't a lot to her character but she does alright. The story is actually quite good and the action is non-stop and director/writer Charles Robert Carner uses a lot of slow down shots to really intensify the scenes and distract you from the low budget special effects which really works. Tons of weapons, shoot outs and explosions galore just like an action film should be and all taking place in a shopping mall.

It's far from a perfect film or even a well edited film which is where the low budget part comes in. There are plot holes a plenty, some really campy moments (although not nearly as many as everyone seems to think there was) and some poorly acted role (Aleks Paunovic plays one of Eric Roberts' men with a horrible accent and even worse acting.) The chase in the go karts is a little campy but not nearly as bad as everyone seemed to think it is. The ending is also way too neat and tidy and a little too much of a happy ending and I still don't understand why Cain's character is so eager to give up his huge reward to help the son of the thief who nearly killed his wife but I suppose that's just the way the movie ends. All in all I think if you want a light action movie, and you enjoy Dean Cain or Eric Roberts this is one of their better pictures. It's a decent low budget action flick that entertains. Something a little different for Christmas viewing. Worthy of a rent or better yet catch it on TV!! 7.5/10
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