The Ron Clark Story (2006 TV Movie)
Good movie with an excellent Matthew Perry
22 January 2006
I saw this movie when it broad casted in the Swedish channel 5. I didn't know what to expect but, as a fan of friends that I am, i chose to look at it even though i missed the beginning.

The movie is about Ron Clark casted by Matthew Perry who took on a class in Brooklyn NY. In the beginning the kids had a pretty hard time accepting Mr. Clark and did all kind of annoying things just to break him, but after a while they accepted him one by one and they all started to love him instead of hating him, and they also learned how to like school and like to learn something instead of hating it.

I have plans to be a future teacher one day, and I can just say that this movie made me want to be a teacher even more, to see the joy in the kids eyes when they like how you teach them in all kind of different ways just makes me happy.

I can really recommend this movie, it's fun, it's sad and it's just overall a great movie

please excuse my bad English, I'm from Sweden so ;)

// Linus
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