Joe Dirt (2001)
I'd Rather Eat Dirt Than Watch Dirt
11 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The experience of viewing this flick is much akin to the scene in the movie where Joe Dirt gets hit by a giant turd that falls from the sky. But unlike Joe Dirt, who mistakes the crap for a meteorite and only later discovers what it truly is, the viewer knows that this movie is nothing more than a pile of crap from the beginning. But what should one expect from the director of an Olsen Twins movie? Did people actually encourage David Spade into believing this character is even remotely amusing? David Spade should have been killed and buried along with Chris Farley, just like in Ancient Egypt the servants would be entombed along with the Pharoah, because its painfully clear that Spade's career died along with Farley that day. RIP Beverly Hills Ninja (which could be viewed as a double feature with this film for 2 hours and forty minutes of an utterly retch-inducing experience). You won't laugh so hard you will cry.
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