She's the Man (2006)
If you liked "Bring it On," you'll love "She's the Man"
3 April 2006
This movie sucked. It made me long for Garfield the Movie. I sat through Gigli mildly entertained, yet I wouldn't wish this on Sadam. Its almost as if Amanda Bynes has a King Midas-like ability to turn everything she touches into refuse. So if you're looking for a good movie, or even just a movie that is not too funny but at least somewhat entertaining, then go see Ice Age II. Otherwise just save yourself the nine dollars I paid to Muvico Cinemas and stare at your watch for two hours because that's what you're going to end up doing if you go to see "She's the Man. For further reasoning on why this modern day adaptation of Twelfth Night sucked, here is the review i'm turning in to my English teacher who forced me to sit through this wretched abortion.

For some reason the writers of this movie decided to not only put the story of "Twelfth Night" not only into modern times, but into the lives of high school kids who look like they are twenty five and act like they are twelve. The character of viola is bastardized and betrayed almost entirely. Her motivation from the beginning is changed from fighting from her life from a shipwreck and looking for a way to survive and keep herself alive, to having her high school soccer team dismantled. She joins another schools team pretending to be her brother simply to get back at her ex boyfriend even though she believes ahead of time that she will not be recognized by scouts or prospectors for anything she does nor receive any benefit from her efforts at all in anyway because she is pretending to be her brother. Thus, she has no motivation whatsoever and is not a realistic character.

The characters Toby and Andrew are also abandoned. they are simply friends of Duke and therefore become friends of Sebastian. They have nothing to with the story. They are simply fall back characters to toss lines to whenever writers couldn't think of anymore substantial dialogue for Duke or Viola and needed yet another lame sexual innuendo to fill the dead air time,lest the audience actually listen to the story.

The name Malvolio was used but in such a poor and shamelessly vain way that you cant really give the movie any credit for having such a character. In "She's the Man", the Feste character loses his pet tarantula and passes out fliers. On one of these fliers is a picture of the spider and the name Malvolio. This is thrown in for no other reason than to remind you that you are watching a movie based on Twelfth Night, and trust me if they didn't continue to shamelessly point that out you would forget it very quickly.

So do yourself a favor and do something else with your time, maybe read or something,, maybe even Twelfth Night. Just don't make the same mistake i did because i will never get back to two hours of my life that movie stole from me, good luck
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