Review of Neo Ned

Neo Ned (2005)
If I was a film distributer, this film would be in all theaters NOW
6 April 2006
I just saw this at the AIFF (Ashland Independent Film Festival) and all I can say it WOW! Jeremy Renner should get an academy award for this role. All the actors were great but Jeremy's performance was beyond outstanding. Apparently, this film is still awaiting distributors to get it out into theaters. Maybe all of us who have seen it should pool our resources, open a film distribution company, and buy it and market it ourselves! It was very well received today in Ashland Oregon and the spectators were glad to have a Q&A session with the director. He did state that the film had been very well received in each location that it screened with only a few folks walking out before the finish. To those who walked out, you really missed out.
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