Earthlings (2005)
7 April 2006
Hi all, I'm a 20 yr old Sydney boy who was asked by a mate to watch this film. I've read some of your comments. Here is my response: I, like some of you have stated, also have a strong stomach when it comes to watching "goresome" and violent eruptions of human behaviour. Nazi-ism to animals doesn't even come close to interpreting the horrors portrayed in this film. The fundamental objective of this movie was not to sicken you and "turn you off" meat in terms of food, science, fashion or entertainment. It was to simply inform you, not only of the daily mistreating of animals on a worldwide scale, but as how humanity perceives other beings that live on this planet, and how we perceive ourselves. I am a vegetarian living in Australia (was born in India where the majority of people are vegetarians & cows are sacred). Being a vegetarian in a western culture is difficult enough it is, supplementing for foods without meats (even some simple veggie burgers would have beef or some sort of meat substance in them). Also, I never had much faith in humanity especially in recent years with corrupt politics, terrorism, and general arrogant human behaviour. I could give you all a thesis on why and how humanity has failed in co-existing on a planet that us, one single species out of so many, has destroyed through what we consider "our evolution" (Pollution, waste, animal cruelty to name a few).

When I saw scenes throughout this film, I was not only appalled by the graphical representation of mistreating of animals, but what upset me the most is that we, as humans, as earthlings, have no compassion or moral value whatsoever. People will state that animals are edible because of their religious scriptures, or that it will provide us with the required nutrients and supplements, or even that we DO have the right to kill an animal, as long as it is done in a civil, appropriate manner. Others will mention I am over-exaggerating, misunderstanding and being difficult with the issue. The truth is, if animals didn't exist... we would treat our fellow human beings the same way. We used humans for sport in the Colosseum in Greece. Cannibalism has arisen during times of survival or sacrifice. We bully each other during our youth, and don't realise the affects of this until we have come of age, and have suffered mental conditions from it. We believe in torture to other human beings, racism, Nazi-ism.

This film is based around animal mistreating but branches off to so many other factors. I put the two things in my life first that the majority of humans in our modern world would put last, Morals and Compassion. I would rather have some sort of deficiency in my body (I may feel a little more tired than normal people, or not as strong) than to eat something that used to live, breathe and feel. Having a deficiency is a small price to pay than to kill an animal. I don't care if killing animals is done for religious, financial, social or even health purposes. Just like I would never kill another human being, I could never kill an animal. Not because of this film, not because of my beliefs, but because I feel obligated to.

Fight for what you believe in with compassion, intelligence and strong moral ground! PS: Sorry if I misspell anything, I'm bloody exhausted.
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