Played Strictly For Laughs
29 April 2006
It's hard to believe this was out over a decade ago, but it was another in a long line (past few decades) of crude comedies....BUT one of the better ones regarding some laugh-out-loud funny scenes.

The "classic" of the funny scenes, at least to most men including me, is poor Jeff Daniels on the toilet. No need to go into details! As crazy as Jim Carrey got in some of his earlier movies (Ace Ventura, Liar, Liar, etc) he's actually lower-key than in some of the other stupid-guy roles he played, one reason because he's doesn't shout in here. I didn't find the female lead in here, Lauren Holley, to be appealing but that's just my opinion.

In modern-day slapstick, it means one basic thing: gross out your audience, so that's what is attempted here. When it works, it's very funny, such as that bathroom scene.. One thing for sure: the language makes this an R-rated film, not PG-13. Speaking of jokes, that PG-13 rating has become a joke.

Anyway, you should get a lot of laughs out this: at least I suspect males will more than females....and that's all it was meant for - laughs, and nothing else - so don't trash the film because it wasn't "intelligent" enough for you.
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