Review of Hotel

Hotel (2001)
i plead entrapment....
28 May 2006
never had i written an IMDb comment in my life.

never had i felt so compelled to draft one up.

that is, up until now.


browsing through my local Blockbuster aisle, i came upon a DVD titled Hotel. my initial thoughts: 1) a movie about making a movie (i've started working in the industry so the subject matter piques my interest) 2) a notable cast & director 3) it appeared to be a scary/horror/thriller flick (that's what i gathered from the DVD jacket) apparently, looks are far more than just deceiving. they too can certainly kill. a 2.5hr fraction of my life can never be rescued nor restored.

perhaps i deserved this punishment - for buying into the film's marketing scheme, this devastating excuse packaged as a movie. maybe the studio/producers had to find a way to recover 0.00001% of their wasted funds by falsely advertising and throwing the unburned discs onto video racks and for that, i should take full blame. that is the only excuse i will accept for a catastrophe such as this.

THERE IS NO PLOT. at least not a coherent one. nor was it decipherable. and do not expect one to be unveiled. how these respected actors allowed themselves to partake in such a project is way above and beyond me. why their managers & agents did not bark "career suicide" dually flabbergasts me. most of the bigger names make cameo appearances shockingly at most. the fate of each character is unknown. their purpose to begin with is questionable. by the end, who really even cares. the only thing you're searching for is a cigarette or a stacker to undigest this debacle out of your system.

the director takes pride and joy in the nonexistent script. what an exciting idea!! (not!) you expect this vehicle to be edgy, to be fresh. rather, prepare yourself for a slow churning death, in which you sadly paid for. i've worked on a movie where there's been no working script, no real plot and not one defined character and i thought, it can't get any worse than this. well Hotel, thank you for proving me wrong.

Please please please do not watch this P.O.S. I beg of you, for the better of filmkind! I would be performing an injustice if I did not spread the word. Kids, don't drink and drive. Say no to drugs. Don't smoke. Don't eat after 8pm. And definitely, don't watch this movie. My only aim is to promote good health.
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