Powerful, realistic, and funny-One of the best films of 05'
22 June 2006
The Squid and the Whale is a black comedy about two young boys dealing with their parents divorce in Brooklyn in the 1980's. This is an excellent film that surprised me in every way. The acting is superb, mainly by Jesse Eisenberg and Jeff Daniels, who I thought should of been nominated for best actor. Noah Baumbach, which actually the movie is based on his childhood experiences, wrote and directed this film very well for how he's only made a couple of films in his career. I thought the dialogue was very realistic and it made me feel like I was there, as well as how the film is extremely realistic. Fortunately my parents aren't planning a divorce but a couple of my friends actually experienced it before and they said that their parents acted a lot like the parents did in this movie. Overall, this is a very powerful and realistic black comedy that shows a strong career in the future for Mr. Baumbach. The Squid and the Whale is one of the best films of 2005, I highly recommend it.

Hedeen's Outlook: 9.5/10 **** A
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