Sadly a disappointing film
20 August 2006
I bought this film on DVD, without even hesitating. It looked like an interesting exploration of a middle aged man's struggle to retain his position in the world. Sadly, it was just a mess. Apparently (so the extras say) quite a bit was edited out from this film. Perhaps these scenes would have been key to actually understanding what story the filmmakers were trying to tell. I couldn't work it out! Seemingly, the director/ writer was trying to do too many things and cover too many aspects of the story. This meant that nothing was really explored fully enough to give an effective overall message, or even a cohesive through line to the film.

Performances felt honest enough, but I was left feeling like it could have been such a great film, if the director had only focused telling one storyline, instead of half-exploring a number!

I really like Scarlett and Topher, and Dennis Quaid (whilst having made some poor decisions in the past, seemed to really relate to his character), and I don't want to think that they are idiots. So I wonder if they read a different script before agreeing to do this?!!
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