Miami Vice (2006)
Dark, Dingy, Seedy...and thats just the acting
23 August 2006
I recently had the profound displeasure of viewing this film. Along with my two amigo's, I was shocked by the dearth of quality in this film. The first thing I picked up on was the lack of lighting. It was scarce throughout the film, leaving faces indistinguishable. As such, facial expressions were rendered completely useless.

Next, I come to the completely inadequate dialogue. For a start it was entirely in another language. I don't speak gangsta, and relied on my friend who is a fan of rap to translate what rare segments of speech were audible. One man had only two lines I heard and comprehended. "Still no shooter," and "Calm down!" were the sole words I understood from the mouth of the police chief.

Finally, the plot. I am still speechless as to how to two "undercover" police men managed to infiltrate the biggest drugs cartel in the world on what seemed to be a whim. Their brand of police work seemed to consist of sleeping with anyone they can, while coincidently finding clues. Miss Marple would be better suited to the case.

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