The Cheetah Girls 2 (2005 TV Movie)
For what it was, it was OK.
26 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
DCOMs (Disney Channel Original Movies), tend to be...well...let's just say that the movies of yesteryear were much better. Nowadays it seems like its just about showcasing mediocre talent with a story that isn't well developed and contains inconsistencies. It's like a child wrote it.

It's hard to give it a review because there were things I liked and things I didn't. For starters I feel the girls are all good singers and performers. I like how Raven toned it down this time singing wise. Last time she was so upfront it was almost overbearing. I liked hearing Sabrina and Kiely more this time around. And Adrienne has an awesome voice. Acting wise Raven has good comedic timing and can do the serious scenes pretty well. However there wasn't much new territory. I was very interested in Chanel's storyline and seeing it develop more from the last movie. Adrienne helped me to care about what happened to her. I think she had the best subplot. Dorinda's storyline was OK. Nothing special, but nice dancing. As for Aqua, it was nice to see some character development, but I think she's getting the short end of the stick. I still don't know her yet. If there's another movie there should be some more focus on her. Also I must give props to Lynn Whitfield. I loved her scenes.

Now for the hard part. The plot was just unbelievable in some scenes. As a previous commenter said, the whole contest situation wouldn't happen, especially considering the deadline was a week before. The whole story line with Marisol and her mother wanting to break the Cheetah Girls up, I just didn't believe it. There wasn't enough time spent on it to really make me understand where she was coming from and why she was so hard on Marisol. It seemed forced and wanted to understand that more. The ending created a huge plot hole. How were the girls able to rehearse in a few days with dancers and musicians if they barley knew their song? I also didn't like how each song was filmed like a music video. Maybe more focus should of been on the actual story. Even Glitter didn't have that many music vignettes (I know the movies are on different calibers, but just an example.) It's things like this that prevented me from giving it a high score.

In all the movie was simply OK. Not horrible, not extravagant, but simply OK. The music was awesome and the four girls, Belinda, and Angel(I don't know the actor's name) definitely have talent. But I think more time should have been put into the plot to give a more realistic feel and show growth in the characters. If there was more substance I think I would have liked it better.
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