Hoop Dreams (1994)
Give me a break....
3 September 2006
This is nothing special. Just another story of black kids thinking they are gonna get rich playing basketball and not caring about getting educated. When they find out they aren't that good, they just go straight to the streets usually with bad results.

What is hilarious are these people saying they are being exploited and "used". That is total BS. What are they gonna do if they aren't given scholarships, etc? The truth is they are given a free opportunity and its up to them to make something of it. Lets tell it like it is folks.

Most of these ghetto dwellers seem to feel they are owed sustenance from the government. Where do they get off thinking that? That is why they are in the ghetto to begin with. Drugs, booze, no father in most families. These people better start taking personal responsibility or they will NEVER get out of the ghettos.

Most of them cant keep a job. Did you hear the kids mother complaining that "the system" just doesn't care about her predicament of having 3 kids, no husband, no job, no money? What bs, take some responsibility for your life woman.

Look at the Latin people who are in the US now. They care about family. They work hard even though they are dirt poor to begin with. Guess what they will eventually succeed. I admire their work ethic very much.

If the ghetto dwellers would do what the Latin people do they would not have near the problems they have. But that will require them to work hard and quit expecting everything to be given to them so you know it isn't going to happen.

The bs about how great this movie is is just people licking a.. and being PC. I am glad that it shows how these people really are. Open your eyes and see the truth.
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