I saw this movie and LOVED it!
25 October 2006
My girlfriend and I went to a free movie screening - you know, the kind they pass out flyers for. In our case, it was an offer from a survey website.

I can't say enough about how much we loved this film. The cinematography was absolutely stunning. The story was compelling and heart-wrenching and masterfully portrayed by both Ed Norton and Naomi Watts.

I was a little leery at first when I realized that Ed Norton was going to have to use an English accent throughout the film. But to my untrained ear, it sounded very authentic and did not detract from the film at all.

My friend and I have been looking out for The Painted Veil ever since we saw it. Meanwhile, it's already almost November and we haven't heard anything about its release.

We both strongly recommend that you see this movie when it comes out. You won't be disappointed. (By the way, there were some men in the audience and they also thought it was excellent, so it's not necessarily a chick flick.")
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