Review of Dr. Lamb

Dr. Lamb (1992)
Dark and depressing, nice and gory!
26 October 2006
Dr Lamb is only my second Cat III flick, and while it's not as good as the first (the generally well regarded The Untold Story), it's still a decent example of Asian sickness. Directors Danny Lee and Hin Sing 'Billy' Tang do an excellent job of presenting a bleak and depressing atmosphere, which bodes excellently with the style and content of the film. Dr Lamb certainly isn't for the feint hearted, as we get treated to scenes of mutilation and necrophilia, along with various other atrocities. The plot is paper thin, and simply follows a manhunt which results in the arrest of a taxi driver. After his capture, he reveals his crimes and the rest of the film is made up of flashbacks where we get to see what he has done. There's plenty of blood and guts on display (which, let's face it, is the reason we're watching), and the film doesn't hold back at any point - which is pretty much what you'd expect from this sort of film. Simon Yam does well in the lead role as the psychopathic taxi driver, and receives good support from Danny Lee and Kent Chang; a fat actor whom I recognised instantly from a Jet Li film called 'The Bodyguard', which I saw on TV late one night; while drunk. Overall, I can't comment on how this film stands up to other genre entries; but it's not bad in its own right, and comes recommended to my fellow sickos.
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