Hannity & Colmes (1996–2008)
Very outstanding debate show
14 November 2006
Sean Hannity is finally a voice of reason on the airwaves. Alan Colmes is somewhat ineffectual as a foil for Sean Hannity, primarily because his views are emotionally based, and cannot stand against vile things like Reason, and Cause and Effect.

There is a cry to censure this show, as neither left leaning guests like Al Sharpton, Charles Rangel and the others, nor Alan Colmes can back up their position with rational thought. This is unfortunate.

For a long time, I wanted a stronger proponent from the left, but after considering all of them, the left's best attack is attacking the person rather than the thought, and there is no one capable of entering the realm of ideas from the left, and presenting a cogent argument of fact.

People wanting Fox taken off of the air see a debate as a communist against a socialist being the only debates we should be having, and they tend to resort to Stalinist Tactics and scream "Put Sean in the Gulag"
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