It would have made more sense had they stopped with the first
11 December 2006
So the problem about the Matrix trilogy is this: it totally changes its objectives between the end of the 1st movie and the beginning of the 2nd. In the end of the first, it seemed like they were going to get rid of the matrix and free everyone. In the 2nd and 3rd, it seemed like they were trying to save Zion and that the matrix was just some unimportant story line.

The first movie: amazing. Second movie: not at all great, but better than what I had been hearing. Third movie: As bad as I heard and worse.

One person said upon seeing it right after its release: "It left more questions than it answered." Can anyone say UNDERSTATEMENT? NOTHING makes sense at the end of this movie. I'm not even going to bother to try to explain it, because I can't. The climaxes (with Neo & Trinity, and with Zion) were both SEVERE anticlimaxes. The fight at the end made no sense. A good hour of the movie (NOT including the scenes with Neo & Trinity spliced in between) was taken up by the battle for Zion. Nothing happens. Sentinel after Sentinel pours from the sky/roof/whateverthing and attacks the people, and they're killed over and over (and over). It's the exact same. . . the ENTIRE time! At least movie 2 made each action scene different, even if they weren't as good as #1. Oh, and the CG effects were so rampant that it clogged the screen. You didn't know where to look, and it turned out messy, not breathtaking.

Messy. That's the perfect word to describe the end of this disappointing movie. Everything would have made MORE sense, even with the unresolved plot lines, had they stopped at Matrix #1 and left us hanging. "Quit while you're ahead," the old saying goes. If only the Wachowski Brothers had.
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