An absolutely delightful movie for all ages
30 December 2006
I saw this movie when it was released in a large air conditioned movie theatre(cinema house) in India. I was about 15 years of age and was a big time Hollywood fan. When most of my class mates went to see dance and song numbers produced by Bollywood, I would wait till Sunday to see one show presentations of Hollywood hits. The Court Jester was one of these and I rented it and viewed it with my wife last night; after nearly 50 years. I remembered the extraordinary skill Danny Kaye showed as a swashbuckler and wanted to see it again. I have seen Basil Rathbone in the Adventures of Robin Hood, and knew Basil was the best swordsman in cinema history but Danny made the fencing sequence more thrilling with his constant switch from a klutz to an adroit at the twinkling of an eye.I especially like the one minute sequence when Danny fences Basil while sipping wine with his left hand. What a delight. Those who like to see fencing skills of old Hollywood movie stars should see The Prisnoner of Zenda and Scaramouche, where Stewart Granger did wonders with the foil fence. He was trained by an Olympic fencing champ and practiced so hard for these films, he wore out several pairs of fencing shoes.
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