Mixed Blood (1984)
A Paul Morrissey Gem!
5 January 2007
i just love this film. its now on DVD w/ great commentary by Paul Morrissey. Gritty, realistic, violent...and hilariously funny! as the film started i wondered why i'd never seen this film on TV and after watching it, i realized that w/ the F-bomb being shouted at about 30 times per minute, the film would have to be cut down to literally nothing for TV viewing. The story centers around Rita La Punta--mother & leader of a gang of underage drug dealers/thugs. She's the Portugese answer to Ma Barker and cares deeply about her little gang of hoodlums. Marilia Pera who plays her gives an over-the-top performance that carries this film and adds to much of the humor ("Dis whooore, Dis Beeetch"). Her VERY HOT son Thiago is a bit slow and not too bright but is the apple of her eye and protects him like a mama bear--tho her and him sleeping very close in the same bed together raises an eyebrow or two on just how close they really are. The actor who plays him--Richard Ulacia--shouts all of his lines in an angry thick accent. His favorite being "I don't like it!!!" Did anyone notice that literally everyone in this film had a foreign accent??? because so many of the performances are so over-the-top, the humor comes on subtle, unintentionally and broad at times. the genius in this film is how Morrissey found humor in such a grim and realistic setting. where can i get the soundtrack? i loved the Latin sounds that permiated this movie. Very entertaining, moves along nicely and you will find yourself chuckling uncontrollably at times.
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