Review of Earthlings

Earthlings (2005)
22 January 2007
This movie illustrates very, very clearly, that there are acts of violence in this world that so many of use are contributing to, albeit unknowingly in many cases.

I think its probably pretty fair to say that we all want a world with less violence, a world with more kindness.

What can you do to make this happen? The solution is beautifully simple: Be the change you want to see in the world. (Those are Ghandi's words, not mine, by the way) If you want a world in which there is less violence, stop contributing to violence in the world.

Violence begets violence....

and Peace begets Peace.

Deep down, we all know this to be true.

It takes a willingness to change, as a person, to implement these changes. That can be scary, because to say that there is something about oneself that needs to change is to admit to being imperfect.

Be brave. Do WHAT YOU CAN to contribute less to violence, whatever it is, and your world will be less violent, and more peaceful.

If you only feel comfortable with a small change at first, then make that change, and you will be rewarded with a greater sense of peace. This process of change and reward may continue for the rest of your life.

I can tell you from my experience, this has been, and is, a very rewarding process for me.
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