Review of Brimstone

Brimstone (1998–1999)
Brimstone: clever, thoughtful, visual and articulate. A masterpiece.
13 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Brimstone was a great show. It had a wonderful premise which would have conjured all manner of clever story lines and a wonderfully spicy sense of humour, had the show been allowed to continue. Unfortunately this only received the one showing here in the UK and so I can't recall in too greater detail the nuances of the show - but I do remember the look of it being absolutely revolutionary for TV. The photography was exceptional and I believe they would knock out the 'red' with the use of filters to better convey the premise. On the whole I think this was just far too dark and challenging for the ordinary viewer. As the show went on it did appear to 'soften' on some of it's harder ideas which was a shame as many of the notions kicked up could really have you philosophising over it's central characters predicaments.

Peter Horton who played the part of Ezekiel Stone was tremendously worn and rough looking as the reanimated ex-cop who reluctantly undertook his task of retrieving 113 escaped souls from Hell - his punishment for having killed the man who raped his wife, and thus banishing himself to hell. A task set him by the ever brilliant and ever improving John Glover, who played the role of the Devil with such delicious glee, you wish it could result in a spin-off show for this character alone. What a thought!

The two actors together at the shows start was always a treat - as the banter between them was wonderfully written and ever so dry. Often laced with biblical referencing and oneupmanship. Thereafter all the regular supporting cast was strong and seemingly very engaged within the premise. From Teri Polo to Lori Petty. It is just such a shame that shows like this that actually have you thinking as you watch and for a long time after, are so rarely taken beyond the initial season.

I'd recommend this show above and beyond many on TV today. It was clever, thoughtful, visual and articulate.
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