The Day Today (1994– )
John Fashanu
17 February 2007
'Portillo's face felt like guts says girl'

I'm talking bang! I'm talking guns, I'm talking people like Uzi MC, the Blood Rap Movement, Herman the Tosser... how do you feel when young people are presented with the sort of stuff that they're churning out? What, if someone listens to Herman the Tosser? Agh.

-I think there are very many young people who are turned off by that violence, by that sexism, by that racism and by that homophobia.

Are you levelling all those accusations at Herman the Tosser?

-No I'm not, Herman the Tosser is not someone who's invaded my own particular consciousness, although he has clearly invaded yours and is a concern

-It sounds to me, it sounds to me

It sounds to me too.

-it sounds to me a rather unpleasant name

Unpleasant name.

-but he may be a delightful man-


-in person

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