Something different.
4 March 2007
Here, we see Norton taking on a role that puts him on a different level than what you normally see him in. His character, Harlan, a lonesome yet psychotic cowboy working at a gas station, meets with this girl named Tobe (Wood)and it's love at first sight for both of the two. Harlan decides to quit his job and head over with Tobe and her friends to the beach, and right away the two have began a passionate relationship with each other. This is disapproved by Tobe's father (Morse), who sees another side of Harlan right from the start, and things start to become tense.

Edward Norton, he's always impressing the audience with his exceptional talent. There isn't one moment where he fails to show us that he's put up a great performance in any movie. I believe he saved this movie from becoming a mediocre film. Sadly, I think it's only his performance that's truly memorable. Everyone else was okay, but Norton definitely stands out.

This movie is also something that I couldn't really get into, especially in the first 10-15 minutes. I don't care what others think, because this really wasn't the type of movie that I could get into. My friend recommended this to me (she loves Westerns), and she knows her movies, but this one was probably the most unusual choice she gave me. I started getting into the story when I realized how much trouble Norton's character was towards the father. It really made him become abusive towards his daughter and raised tensions between him and Harlan.

Definitely something different that I've seen Norton do. It was great and all, but I don't think I could watch this twice. Only once is fine with me, because in my opinion, it's not really memorable.
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