Sorry, Haters (2005)
See it for Robin Wright Penn
10 March 2007
If you read the reviews, you'll see that the ending is the polarizing element of this movie. Reactions range from apoplexy to confusion to adoration. Some will argue that this is a movie about American/Muslim tensions. Some might say it's about the after-effects of 9/11. Still others might view it as study of madness. But ultimately it's an intelligent, complex film that will inevitably illicit heated debate. And more importantly, if you appreciate world-class acting, Abdel Kechiche's and Robin Wright Penn's performances are worth your time. As stated in the DVD's round-table discussion special feature, you feel like a voyeur watching Wright Penn's character interact with the people in her life. Her every on-screen moment, no matter how shocking, is utterly believable. This movie really stays with you.
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