Good one
15 March 2007
When I walked into this movie I asked myself what I had gotten myself into. Why would I see a Hugh Grant/Drew Barrymore flick voluntarily? I sat down expecting the worst... and was pleasantly surprised! Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore play their parts very well and were not as overly cute as they sometimes are. Kristen Johnston was, however, the one who stole every single scene she was in, a bit like Jack Black did in "High Fidelity" (only she was not quite as good).

What's best about "Music and Lyrics" are the songs, though. From the opening number "PoP! Goes My Heart" a perfect homage to the 80's, both visually and acoustically, to the hit song Grant and Barrymore are writing during the movie, the Soundtrack was catchy and lovable. You won't be able to get those songs out of your head even days after you've left the cinema.

Sure, "Music and Lyrics" does have its cringe-worthy moments but they're rare. Mostly the story of an 80's has-been who gets another shot at both, love and fame, was realized with a lot of witty dialog, and funny scenes. The mild satire on the current pop business as well as 80's nostalgia was dead on and very welcome.

"Music and Lyrics" is a light-hearted romantic comedy that will put a smile on your face, the rare case of a chick flick that guys can enjoy, too... if you're prepared to sing "PoP! Goes My Heart" for the next couple of days, that is.
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