Brimstone (1998–1999)
""Brimstone" is rough edged, smooth, original and clever- a burning 10."- Tom Millan "Kindred Gem Films 1998"
5 April 2007
"Brimstone is a burning 10."

I thought this series, as short lived as it was, is a 'gem within a gem'. It was a highly stylized drama/ fantasy flick. Hats off to the cast as they all played their parts well. Too bad audiences didn't take to the shows and "Brimstone" got canceled- I guess audiences don't have taste. Some silly blooper show was put in its place and I was fuming when I found that out.

Mainstream audiences unfortunately aren't interested in surreal and complex thrillers like "Brimstone". They want something they can understand and identify with which I, as a director, don't care much for unless I'm in the mood to take them by the hand and explain things they can identify.

Each writer has a sense of style and this can be seen in "Brimstone". There is of course the corny humor in the show which just that- corny. The seriousness of the characters is magnificent and well spun up.

But, the mainstream audiences didn't go for it. This is why I shoot movies for myself and not them. Like my films, "Brimstone" is an acquired taste and develops a cult following much like "Spike Of Love", "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me" or "Gross Total".

"Brimstone" should have been given a fair chance.

Tom Millan "Kindred Gem Films Corp 1998".
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