A special edition DVD would be a blast
4 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The greatest romantic comedy of all time, and you cannot even get a "Vanilla" DVD in the uk. This is a movie with a strange history. Originally started in 1976 by Mike Nichols, it was called "Bogart slept here" and starred Marsha Mason and Robert DeNiro.The great thespian is rumoured to of walked out of rehearsals after Mason said that he should respect Mike Nichols more. (Nichols had worked out that DeNiro could not "Do Joy".) No such problems for Dreyfuss. He is amazing as Elliot Garfield. The two leads capture each line to perfection, which is no mean feat as nearly every line in this movie is a gag. Even Quinn Cummings is that rare thing a child actor that does not make you reach for a revolver. Even the now dated Gay King Richard routine works still as it is done in such a sweet, good natured way. So many great lines (my personal favourite..... "Capital P, Capital U, capital TRID") The final shots of Mason are an echo of the final shots of (the vastly overrated) "Breakfast at Tiffanys". Also this is one of those rare Romances that men enjoy, possibly because Dreyfuss is not exactly George Clooney, is an incredible smart arse throughout. and unlike someone like Hugh Grant actually knows when to put the "moves" on (so to speak) Hope for all average looking guys everywhere. A Brilliant, Brilliant movie. Please can we have a DVD release with whistle and bells please Rastar and Sony.
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