Review of Kidulthood

Kidulthood (2006)
Prurient and gratuitous nonsense.
21 July 2007
There's plenty of good movies about the difficulties some, lets repeat, some, teenagers experience growing up. This isn't one of them. There's an alarming level of mysogyny expressed by undeveloped characters who are simply ciphers. The girls are all slaggy tarts ready to make out with anything in trousers, the boys wanna be gangster types. 'You re my girl...' Women only exist here only in relation to men. This 'film' does a disservice to young people by avoiding delving into the complexity of the characters, instead titillating its audience with scenes of underage sex and drug use. It would be nice to see a film from the UK portraying the experiences of young black boys / men which wasn't about gangstas and guns. There's lots of interesting stories out there, is there a director around to tell them? Don t waste ninety minutes of your life on this, go see Mean Creek, Los Olvidados, Bully, Kids, Suburbia, If, El Bola, Barrio, La Haine instead...
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