I Have Certainly Enjoyed The First Three Years
22 August 2007
I have watched the first three seasons of this show, and that's it. (I became spoiled with DVDs and refuse to watch a show anymore interrupted constantly by tons of commercials.)

Anyway, I saw the first and third seasons back-to-back and then waited a long time until the second season was released on disc. I'm still waiting for the fourth season. I'm not sure why the holdups all the time with these DVD releases. What's the deal?

For the most part, I very much enjoyed these first three seasons. I like Sherlock Holmes-type characters and Vincent D'Onofrio's "Det. Robert Goren" certainly exhibits the famous British detective's deductive powers. He's also a strange dude who has a unique way of usually getting the suspects to talk. I doubt in real life it would be that easy to verbally trapping these people into admitting their guilt but, hey, it's only a TV show and they have to wrap it all up in about 40-42 minutes.

Kathryn Erbe as "Det. Eames complements partner Goren just beautifully and when she was absent from the show for a short time, due to her pregnancy, she was missed. Her low-key sarcasm at times elicits a number of laughs, even from Goren at times. I also like their two bosses, played by Courtney B. Vance and Jamey Sheridan. Sometimes I wish those guys had more air time, as they are always interesting.

My only complaint with the shows is the political and cultural bias they show here and there, but they don't do it much, not nearly as often as the parent show.

I understand D'Onofrio is now just a part-time performer on this show and when I heard that a couple of years ago, I was disappointed. I'm sure all the other fans of this show were, too. I don't know how it's been worked out and if the show is any good anymore, but I'll buy the fourth season and find out....if it is ever released.
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