Released versions cut compared to T.V. version?
27 August 2007
Hopefully I can get the attention of another fan of the film, although looking at all the negative reviews of it I somehow doubt it possible. Anyway, here goes. Is it me or is the bedroom scene with Sally G cut when compared to the version Channel 5 shown, late at night, sadly over 20 years ago????? As a teenager I remember being shocked by her going topless in bed with old Norman but that segment isn't on the DVD or any of the vids. If someone can clarify this I'd be most grateful!(surprised nobody else has noticed this). I do like the film and I am a big fan of Norman (Seen him Live twice), but I think the reason it works for me is that I don't expect him to be Pitkin.I really do see him as a different character here, unlike most of his other more popular films. Reading between the lines, most of the 'reviewers'(Who slate the film) seem to want him to be like his stereo-typical clumsy little fool.Wasn't he allowed to break out of that millstone for just one film?????????? Where the film probably winds people up is when Norman slips in little bits of Pitkin into the Mr Bartlett character; this is confusing some disappointed fans who expect the rest of the usual package and get a Peter Stringfellow mix.
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