Alias: Truth Be Told (2001)
Season 1, Episode 1
A solid opening episode that sets the scene perfectly for the series
28 August 2007
"Truth Be Told" is marvellously glossy, stylish and sexy escapist fun from writer / director J.J. Abrams.

Jennifer Garner is splendid as the lead, Sydney Bristow - college girl by day, super-spy by night. Garner is a convincing action figure and the scenes later in the show where she's bloodied and seeking payback are memorable. Sydney in a brightly coloured wig, beating baddies to a pulp, is definitely a sight to behold!

The rest of the cast are equally impressive, notably her fellow agent, Marcus Dixon (played by Carl Lumbly) and bad guy Arvin Sloane (Ron Rifkin).

"Phantasm" fans will be delighted to see Angus Scrimm play the chilling lie-detector expert, Agent McCullough.

This is top drawer television entertainment and the music from Michael Giacchino is equally impressive.

9 out of 10 for this pilot episode. The soundtrack is packed with great music from familiar bands and artists including The Cranberries, Peter Gabriel and Sinead O'Connor.
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