Commando (1985)
Big Dumb Fun
27 October 2007
Commando is perhaps the most over-the-top film Arnold Schwarzenegger has ever made, and that's no small feat. The bare bones plot involves retired Special Ops Colonel John Matrix whose daughter is kidnapped by a South American tyrant who Matrix deposed. The president's main thug is one of John's former squadmates, Bennett. They put Matrix on a jet bound for the president's country to assassinate the current leader. Of course, Arnold manages to escape and it's a race against time to get his daughter back before they realize the plan's gone wrong.

Along the way, Matrix recruits a random lady, Cindy, to help him. She serves no purpose except for a few scenes. At least they didn't make a romance out of it. Arnold mixes his standard action fare with Bond-like one-liners, which works in some places and fails in others.

The action here is incredible. Arnold takes on the tyrant's private army single-handedly. It's not quite as ridiculous as Rambo battling the Viet Cong all by his lonesome, but it's still beyond far-fetched. Explosions and bullets fill the screen for the last 20 minutes, and it's some of the best action you'll ever see. However, this doesn't excuse the mercilessly slow opening third of the film. A film like this doesn't need that much time to establish the story and get things really rolling. The first two Terminators blend action with story much better than any other flick Arnold's been in, and the action in those films is better too. Still, if you're in the mood for a mindless shooter. Look no further.
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