Illuminating Documentary
6 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film recently at the NFT as part of the London Film Festival at what was surprisingly a very well attended screening.

The documentary's main focus is to look at the case of Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal, who currently awaits death for the murder of a Philadelphia Policeman on the night of December 9, 1981. The date also happens to be the day that William Francome who is the films main narrator was born in the UK.

Francome takes a personal interest in Mumia's case and travels across America trying to make the case that he has been the subject of a grave miscarriage of Justice. In support of his case he gets some great interviewee's ranging from Angela Davis & Moam Chomsky to Mos Def & Snoop Dogg (who I must say was really interesting and thoughtful). As well as lawyers, political activists and Mumia's relatives.

Unfortunately, instead of focusing on the actual case which at it's heart is still a mystery. In that, Mumia was at the location and a policeman was killed (There's a strong suggestion that the policeman was killed by a third party possibly another cop). The film instead widens out to look at Police Brutality, Racism in America and the Death Penalty amongst other things.

That said, if like me you knew nothing of the Mumia or his case, the film is an eye opener. From the beginning the film has a great use of Graphics and Music and is well put together. I doubt that there is anyone who having seen the film wouldn't be interested in knowing more about the case.

The real pity is that the film though made with a lot of British talent (The actor Colin Firth was an Executive Producer) there is little chance it'll get seen in the UK outside festival screenings.

Illuminating and well put together documentary which I definitely recommend seeing.

Black Narcissus http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=14198203

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